The Afghan Diaspora for Equality and Progress is relieved at the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. But if we’ve learned anything from the past few months — through uprisings against racial injustice, through a global pandemic that has affected all of our lives, through a self-reckoning in our own community about our complicity in an unjust system — it’s that we have a lot of work to do. That work exists now, as it has for generations, and it will continue to exist beyond this election. As community organizers, we know the injustices present in our political, racial, social, and socioeconomic systems cannot be fixed with an election alone — racism, inequality, and empire existed before Trump and will endure after, with the results of this election showing that millions in this country endorsed the last four years.

So, we stand firmly rooted in our beliefs of equity and equality for all. This outcome is a temporary reprieve for our community and country, but we know a ton of labor is ahead of us. For a moment, though, we hope we can all breathe a sigh of relief while we recognize the work of the Black-led, Latinx, and Indigenous organizers that earned these results, and prepare to go back to work tomorrow, for a brighter and more inclusive future for all of us.

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