Sofia Schersei


Sofia Schersei was born and raised in Germany and calls the city of Las Vegas her American hometown. She received her BS in Criminology and a minor in Nonprofit Studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. There, she was able to work with various grassroots organizations that sparked her love for social justice work. Currently, Sofia is pursuing a law degree at McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento, CA. Outside her studies, she volunteers her time as an advisor and facilitator at a youth leadership camp. She aids young leaders to explore ways to become stronger allies and develop strategies to eliminate various prejudices in their community. Sofia is unapologetically proud to be an Afghan American and found herself joining the Afghan American Conference Subcommittee to serve her community in recent years. In her free time, Sofia dances Bollywood or HipHop to destress for a better mindset to take on new challenges.